The University of Auckland Foundation entry requirements
Duration 8-9 months (3 terms)
$ 29,500
Start date 15 April 28 Sep
IELTS 5.5 or UP Intensive English L4 or equivalent or UP Skype test
Choose all four academic subjects in your first term
English and 4 academic subjects - 5 final scores in total to gain access to university
Auckland University of Technology Foundation entry requirements
Fast-track 6 months
NZ$ 18,000
Start date 25 January 15 April 12 July 28 Sep
IELTS 6.0 or UP Intensive English L5 or equivalent or UP Skype test
English and 4 academic subjects - 5 final scores in total to gain access to university
The number of academic subjects taken per term varies
Art and Design (Drawing, Design studio combined into one subject) must be taken in two consecutive terms. Only offered in January and July
Victoria University of Wellington Foundation
Fast-track 6 months (2terms)
Start date February 17, April 28, July 13, October 6
IELTS 6.0 or UP Intensive English L5 or equivalent or UP Skype test
A total of 9 final scores will be used to determine your university placement (all majors require a Pass).
Number of academic subjects taken per term varies