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Best Lnaguage schools in Wellington Language Course 2schools review  searched

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[NewZealand]   Wellington area  > Wellington Best Lnaguage school in Wellington Language Course 2schools review  searched

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The Campbell Institute - Wellington

The Campbell Institute - Wellington

Location NewZealand > Wellington area > Wellington

Program General English Program (26hrs/wk) Tuition: (NZD)$ 320    Schedule: 2 ~ 48w

Program IELTS Exam Preparation Tuition: (NZD)$ 320    Schedule: 2 ~ 52w

Program Demi Au Pair Program Tuition: (NZD)$ 225    Schedule: 12 ~ 52w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - Homestay
    - Off-campus Residence
    - Private language school
  • Map&Housing

    Wellington Campus 104 Dixon Street Po Box24-300 , Wellington 6011, New Zealand
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +64 4 803 3434
    Fax : +64 4 803 3435
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews

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Victoria University of Wellington

Victoria University of Wellington

Location NewZealand > Wellington area > Wellington

Program Foundation Tuition: (NZD)$ 15375    Schedule: 26w

Program Undergraduate Course Tuition: (NZD)$ 38450    Schedule: 52w

Program ESL Tuition: (NZD)$ 6450    Schedule: 12w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - Homestay
    - On-Campus residence
    - Off-campus Residence
    - University-based Program
    - Conditional Admission (0)
  • Map&Housing

    Kelburn, Wellington 6012, New Zealand
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +6444721000
    Fax :
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews