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The Horner School of English Dublin

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The Horner School of English Dublin

The Horner School of English Dublin

Brochures Pictures Contact school

School Info

Basic information

  • Enrollment
  • 100-200students
  • Airport Pickup
  • Yes
  • Telephone
  • +353 (0)1 662 2911
  • Fax
  • +353 (0)1 662 2929
  • Address
  • 40 Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 2, Ireland


  • Urban
  • Homestay
  • Off-campus Residence
  • Private language school

Why This School?

  • - All Horner School teachers are native English speakers with TEFL diplomas and university degree qualifications.
    - Horner School offers Fantastic Programme of Social Activities.
    - Horner School is conveniently located in Dublin City Centre within a few minutes walk of Grafton Street, all main bus routes, train stations, restaurants, shops and theatres.

The Horner School of English Dublin About the

  • Since 1993, The Horner School of English is owned and managed by the Horner family – Janice, Trevor, David, Pat and Colin. Located in the heart of Dublin, our Georgian buildings arewithin walking distance of St. Stephens Green and Grafton Street with its many shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants.  Recognised by the Irish Government, Department of Education as an English Language School. We are also proud to be a member of the following organisations: Quality English; Marketing English In Ireland; ACELS; Dublin Tourism; WYSE TRAVEL CONFEDERATION; EDUCATION IN IRELAND; National Qualifications Authority of Ireland; All teachers are native English speakers with TEFL diplomas and university degree qualifications. Open all year round we pride ourselves on our excellent mix of nationalities, small class groups, quality tuition,facilities, accommodation and service.


Course Information

  • Focus of Study :
    The Standard English course in Dublin City aims to improve your overall English language proficiency.

    Benefit, Goal of this course : 
    Highly trained native English teachers and small international class groupings allow students to make rapid progress. Written homework is set and marked each week. Language assessments and progress tests are completed every week in class.

    Curriculum : 
    A great introductory English language course which focuses on the primary areas of language learning: reading, writing, speaking and listening. The first class session (09.30 – 11.10) will focus on students' knowledge of grammar & vocabulary. The second class session (11.30 – 13.10) will concentrate more on listening and speaking ability. Language skills are practised using real situations and everyday tasks.

    Classroom Hour :
    09:30 – 13:10hrs, Monday to Friday.

Course Information

Class size 8 Students Schedule 2, 4, 8, 12, 25 Weeks
Course Level 5 VISA Info Acceptance letter issue
Accommodation Homestay, Off-campus Residence


  • Standard English Course
    Registration: 25 weeks Course + 10 weeks holiday = 35 weeks visa
    Lessons: 20 General English lessons per week.
    Timetable: 09.30 - 13.10 hrs, Monday to Friday
    Levels: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Lower Intermediate,
     Upper Intermediate & Advanced
    Class Size: Small class groups, average 10 ( Max 14 )
    Enrolment: Every Monday ( All year round )
    Note: Students have the option to transfer to IELTS Fulltime
     Course ( subject to next availability ) at no additional
     cost once they have attained the required English
     level and registered for the exam.

Course Schedule

2025-01-28 2025-01-21 2025-01-14 2025-01-07
2024-12-31 2024-12-24 2024-12-17 2024-12-10
2024-12-03 2024-11-26 2024-11-19 2024-11-12
2024-11-05 2024-10-29 2024-10-22 2024-10-15
2024-10-08 2024-10-01 2024-09-24 2024-09-17
2024-09-10 2024-09-03
※ From the Course Starting Dates 2, 4, 8, 12, 25Weeks(month) Choose



School's Admin fee (EURO)€ 75
2 Week 4 Week 8 Week 12 Week 25 Week
(EURO)€ 448 (EURO)€ 896 (EURO)€ 1,689 (EURO)€ 2,412 (EURO)€ 3,295
Week Week Week Week Week


Housing Placement fee
Accommodation Fee
Terms Homestay On-Campus Dorm/residence Off-Campus residence
Weekly (EURO)€ 177 (EURO)€ 221

Airport Pickup

Airport Pickup (EURO)€ 75
Other Charges (EURO)€ 32    Detail

Remarks / Other Information

  • * Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.



    Irish families live in the suburbs of Dublin within a short bus or train journey of the school. All host families are inspected and carefully selected by a member of the Horner family. Irish host families deserve their reputation for being warm and welcoming. All clients are accommodated on a single room basis during the period January to June and October to December. In summer, single room is available on request at a supplementary fee. We never place two students of the same mother tongue together, unless requested. Accommodation is arranged on a part board basis i.e. breakfast and evening meal, with all meals provided at
    the weekends. Internet access is available on request.
    We offer a number of city residences within walking distance of the school. In most cases students are accommodated on a single room basis and have their own private bathroom. They are mainly self catering options with a fully equipped kitchen and living room shared by all guests. Internet access is available in most cases.

    In some cases these apartments are just 2 minutes walk from the school. Studio, one and two bedroom apartments can be booked. All apartments are self contained. Internet access is available in the majority
    of apartments.

    IFSC City Residence

    Horner School City Residence

Surrounding Area

  • Located in the heart of Dublin, our Georgian buildings arewithin walking distance of St. Stephens Green and Grafton Street with its many shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants.


  • Interactive White Boards
    The majority of our classrooms are fitted with Multi-Media Interactive Whiteboards.   This technology combines the basic functionality of a white board with full internet connectivity and gives the teacher the facility to display any website on the white board at the touch of a button.  Many of the latest textbooks also have additional interactive material which can be accessed and displayed using this new facility.   All our classrooms are equipped with Whiteboards, TV, DVD & CD players.

    Wireless Internet Access
    The main building of the Horner School of English is now fully WI-FI enabled. As a result students who bring their own laptop can access the internet directly from our classrooms. Like our other computer facilities this service is completely free of charge.

    School Computer Room
    The computer room is open from 08.45 to 17.00hrs Monday to Friday.  Free access. Twelve PC’s with high speed Internet access.  Free wireless internet access throughout the main school.    We also have a selection of CD Rom language programmes for self study purposes.

    School Library
    The self study library is located in our main building No. 40 Fitzwilliam Street Upper. The library is open from 13.10 to 17.00hrs Monday to Friday.  We have a selection of English language materials available for self study purposes.
    Self Study Materials include:Graded readers and CD’s.Selection of course books at all levels. Grammar reference material. Skills development materials for reading, writing, speaking and listening. Examination preparation materials for Cambridge, IELTS, TOEFL & TOEIC. Financial Times (Daily) Economist Magazine (Weekly) Newsweek Magazine (Weekly)
    School Coffee Room and Garden
    Coffee room and garden for the exclusive use of our students and staff. Fresh coffee & tea are available from 08.30 to 17.00hrs Monday to Friday.  Perfect place to meet and make new friends.


  • Irish Traditional Music Class, Discover the Art Collection at National Art Gallery, Old Jameson Distillery (Whiskey Tour), Dublin Castle, Belfast Day Tour, Irish Cookery Evening, Greyhound Racing Evening, ... etc.

Top Native Language by Center

  • Students are from Italy 15%, Spain 15%, France 10%, Belgium 10%, Germany 10%, Switzerland 10%, Japan 10%, Korea 10%, Brazil 5% and Other 5%.


FAQ Questions

Contact the school
Image 2017-01-16 15:20:10


Q: 明年冬天的時候打算申請去 語言學校念語言課程,想請問宿舍提供哪些類型的宿舍呢?? 是否有寄宿家庭?? A: 您好,感謝您來訊息詢問,關於 語言學校住宿問題為您做個解答。 愛爾蘭家庭位在都柏林郊區,與學校搭成短距離的巴士或火車車程通勤。所有寄宿家庭進行檢查,並通過霍納家族成員精心挑選。愛爾蘭寄宿家庭以熱情好客聞名。在1月至6月期間和十月至十二月期間都以單人間為基礎。在夏季,單人間需透過申請或是額外遞交費用。我們從來沒有把兩名學生同母語分配一起,除非另外要求。住宿提供早餐和晚餐,週末三餐提供。上網可應要求提供。 城市住宅 我們提供距離學校步行內的城市的住宅。在大多數情況下,學生們被安置在單人房,並擁有私人浴室。主要有設備齊全的廚房和客廳,所有客人共用。在大多數情況下可上網。 城市公寓 在某些情況下,這些公寓僅2分鐘可步行到學校。可以預訂一個,兩個臥室或是工作室。所有的公寓自成一體。多數可上網。


1 Reviews
  • Classquality

  • Review (5)
  • School Facility, atmosphere

  • Review (5)
  • Faculty&school's counselor

  • Review (5)
  • Outdoor Activity

  • Review (3)
  • Accommodation quality

  • Review (5)

  • Review (4.6)

  • Classquality

  • Review (5)
  • School Facility, atmosphere

  • Review (5)
  • Faculty&school's counselor

  • Review (5)
  • Outdoor Activity

  • Review (3)
  • Accommodation quality

  • Review (5)

  • Review (4.6)

Image 2017-01-16 15:30:12



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