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Best Lnaguage schools in Ireland Language Course 46schools review  searched

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[Ireland]   Search Schools Best Lnaguage school in Ireland Language Course 46schools review  searched

reviews (4.8)

The Linguaviva Centre Dublin

The Linguaviva Centre Dublin

Location Ireland > Dublin area > Dublin

Program General English Program (15hrs/wk) Tuition: (EURO)€ 260    Schedule: 1 ~ 12w

Program Study 25 weeks & 10 weeks working holiday Tuition: (EURO)€ 3950    Schedule: 25w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - Homestay
    - Off-campus Residence
    - Private language school
  • Map&Housing

    45 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +353-1-6789384 or 6612106
    Fax : +353-1-6765687
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews

reviews (4.8)

The Slaney Language Centre Wexford

The Slaney Language Centre Wexford

Location Ireland > Cork area > Wexford

Program Study 25 weeks & 10 weeks working holiday Tuition: (EURO)€ 3500    Schedule: 25w

Program General English Program (20hrs/wk) Tuition: (EURO)€ 272    Schedule: 1 ~ 52w

Program Intensive English Program (24hrs/wk) Tuition: (EURO)€ 419    Schedule: 1 ~ 52w

  • School detail information

    - Suburban
    - Homestay
    - Off-campus Residence
    - Private language school
  • Map&Housing

    Kinshella Castle, Slaney Manor, Ferrycarrig, Co. Wexford, Ireland
  • Telephone

    Telephone : 00353-53-9120881
    Fax : 00353-53-9120881
    Website :
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  • Reviews

reviews (0)

Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin

Location Ireland > Dublin area > Dublin

Program Undergraduate Course Tuition: (EURO)€ 18850    Schedule: 52w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - On-Campus residence
    - Off-campus Residence
    - University-based Program
    - Conditional Admission (0)
  • Map&Housing

    College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +35318961000
    Fax :
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews

reviews (0)

University College Cork

University College Cork

Location Ireland > Cork area > Cork

Program Bachelor's Degree Tuition: (EURO)€ 17057    Schedule: 52w

Program English for Work and Life(General English) Tuition: (EURO)€ 500    Schedule: 2 ~ 32w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - On-Campus residence
    - Off-campus Residence
    - University-based Program
    - Conditional Admission (0)
  • Map&Housing

    College Rd, University College, Cork, Ireland
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +353214903000
    Fax :
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews

reviews (0)

University College Dublin (UCD)

University College Dublin (UCD)
Applied Language Centre

Location Ireland > Dublin area > Dublin

Program International Foundation Year Tuition: (EURO)€ 18250    Schedule: 36w

Program General English course (20hrs/wk) Tuition: (EURO)€ 1050    Schedule: 5 ~ 25w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - Homestay
    - On-Campus residence
    - Off-campus Residence
    - University-based Program
    - Conditional Admission (0)
  • Map&Housing

    University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +353 (0)1 716 7900
    Fax :
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews

reviews (0)

University of Limerick

University of Limerick

Location Ireland > Limerick area > Limerick

Program Bachelor's Degree Tuition: (EURO)€ 17200    Schedule: 52w

Program General English Course Tuition: (EURO)€ 480    Schedule: 4 ~ 24w

  • School detail information

    - Urban
    - On-Campus residence
    - Off-campus Residence
    - University-based Program
  • Map&Housing

    Sarsfield Bridge, Limerick, Ireland
  • Telephone

    Telephone : +35361202700
    Fax :
    Website :
  • Pictures & video

  • Reviews