Benefit, Goal of this course :
Digital literacy and digital citizenship are infused
into all subject areas. In addition to teaching
and assessing subject-specific material, Grade 7
and 8 teachers collaborate to create a variety of
activities that develop transferable skills and
promote safe and responsible use of learning
Curriculum :
The academic program includes English, Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Technology, History, Geography, Health and Physical Education, the Arts (Drama, Dance, Visual Arts, and Music) and International Languages (French, Japanese or Putonghua). However, students have specialized subject teachers and rotate through the day to subject-specific classes.
There is also a House Leagues program to help students build a strong sense of community and personal accomplishment through team-work. Subject teachers prioritize the creation of inclusive, stimulating learning environments to support and challenge student thinking. Teachers are also committed to providing differentiated instruction to enhance student mastery of the subject material. Students demonstrate their mastery by applying knowledge of the subject material in unique and varied ways.
Classroom Hour :
Different depends on the grade