Focus of Study :
The Ernst-Kalkuhl-Gymnasium is a three-class school. 681 students currently attend our school. They are taught by 29 male and 21 male teachers. Our half-day classes are attended by 29 students each. From the 2018/2019 school year, our fifth graders will again be taught according to G9, the older students will continue to be taught according to G8.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
Since the boarding school is increasingly being attended by foreign students from different nations, especially in the upper secondary level, we see it as our special task to promote intercultural education and integration in schools and boarding schools through a network of targeted didactic measures and additional teaching offerings ( DAF courses etc.). A member of the teaching staff is responsible for coordinating these tasks as a special area of activity. It remains the boarding school's responsibility to respond to the needs of our foreign classmates in all areas of life. Weekend care and contact with parents are fundamental elements of our educational work. Basically, the educational and professional work of the boarding school is based on the core values of our school. We strive to increase each student's interest and skills through personal attention to each individual student in order to enable them to have a successful and happy time at school here with us.
Curriculum :
Language sequence in secondary school I (grades 5-9):
English (from grade 5), Latin or French (from grade 7). From grade 9 onwards, Spanish is an elective subject.
If you don't choose a third foreign language, you can attend bilingual computer science, science or history classes.
Course offerings in secondary school II (grades 10-12):
Advanced courses: German, English, history, geography, mathematics, biology, chemistry
Basic courses: German, English, French, Spanish new and continued, art, music, literature, choir, orchestra, History, geography, philosophy, pedagogy, social sciences, mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, Protestant and Catholic religion, sport as a 4th Abitur subject, project: business@school.
Student exchange with England and France, choir, orchestra, chess club, competition teams, student rowing club (SRV), “Förderkreis am EKG” (non-profit, creates teaching and learning materials), “LOGO-I-do-it- with-Club” (courses, homework support, trips)
Classroom Hour : 07:40-08:25 1st hour DOUBLE LESSON
08:30-09:15 2nd hour End: 09:10
09:15-09:30 1st big break
09:30-10:15 3rd hour DOUBLE LESSON
10:20-11:05 4th hour End: 11:00
11:05-11:20 2nd big break
11:20-12:05 5th hour DOUBLE LESSON
12:10-12:55 6th hour End: 12:50
12:55-1:55 p.m. (7th hour) lunch break
1:55-3:25 8th hour 9th hour
15:25-16:55 10th hour 11th hour