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Hermann-Lietz-Schule Haubinda

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Hermann-Lietz-Schule Haubinda

Hermann-Lietz-Schule Haubinda

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School Info

Basic information

  • Enrollment
  • 420students
  • Airport Pickup
  • Telephone
  • +49 (0) 36875 671-0
  • Fax
  • +49 (0) 36875 671-50
  • Address
  • Hermann-Lietz-Schule - Lietz Internatsdorf Haubinda, Stiftung 01, 98663 Westhausen, Germany


  • Rural
  • On-Campus Dorm/residence
  • Off-campus Residence
  • Private language institute (at University)

Why This School?

  • - Live and learn sustainably and effectively in harmony with nature
    - Boarding school and day school on offer
    - Digitally supported teaching & learning

About the  Hermann-Lietz-Schule Haubinda

  • The Lietz boarding school village Haubinda (formerly Hermann Lietz School Haubinda) is an independent school founded in 1901 by Hermann Lietz as a reform educational rural educational home. The school is located in the North Franconian hills above the hamlet of Haubinda and, together with it, belongs to the Thuringian community of Westhausen. As the oldest, largest and most traditional of the four foundation-run Hermann Lietz schools, Haubinda looks back on an eventful history, during which it was used as a barracks and polytechnic high school (POS). The boarding village is a state-recognized regular school with primary, secondary, secondary and technical high schools as well as a vocational high school. Together with other boarding schools in Germany, Haubinda is a member of the boarding school association Die Internate Association eV.

Course information

  • Focus of Study :
    Development of ecological awareness
    In harmony with nature
    Agriculture in focus
    STEM focus
    Experience shared democracy in the “school state”
    All general school qualifications under one roof
    Vocational high school with a focus on business
    Tuition guarantee

    Benefit, Goal of this course :
    <div><br class="Apple-interchange-newline">The Haubinda boarding school village in Thuringia is the oldest Hermann Lietz school. We live here together with students, teachers and other employees in harmony with nature in the middle of 90 hectares of meadows and forests together with sheep and horses. We all live by the principle of using natural resources sustainably. Today, 420 students from grades 1 to 13 attend the school with its school branches: primary school, secondary school , secondary school, technical high school and vocational high school.</div>

    Curriculum :
    The Hermann Lietz School Haubinda offers the foreign languages ​​English and Spanish. From the 1st grade onwards, students are taught in English. From the 5th grade onwards, students can voluntarily take part in Spanish lessons. It is also possible to acquire language certificates in English (Cambridge ESOL).

    Branches of instruction 
    The 7th to 10th grades are divided into three branches or elective subjects (representation and design, natural sciences and economics, environment and Europe). The students at the Hermann Lietz School Haubinda must have decided on one of the three branches at the beginning of the 7th grade. Each of these areas has a different area subject in which students are taught four lessons per week. All students attend their chosen branch until they complete secondary school, technical college entrance qualification or Abitur.

    Natural science branch 
    The students are taught the subject “Nawi” for four school hours every week. Natural science subjects (physics , mathematics , biology and chemistry) are taught in double lessons. The area regularly takes part in competitions.

    Economy-Environment-Europe Branch 
    In this branch of teaching, in addition to business, law and technology, there is also the subject of business, environment and Europe. The school took part in the project of the International Foundation for Environmental Education and was awarded the title of environmental school in Europe.

    Artistic branch 
    The “Presentation and Design” area of ​​the Hermann Lietz School Haubinda is mainly concerned with the staging and performances of plays. Each class in the area performs two plays in one school year. In the 8th grade one of these two productions is an English play and in the 9th grade it is a musical.

    High school 
    At the technical high school in the Lietz boarding village of Haubinda, the departments of economics/administration and technology with a focus on information technology are offered. The Hermann Lietz School Haubinda is currently the only school in Thuringia where you can take the general Abitur after graduating from a technical college.

    Project trip 
    Once a year, the school's students go on a five-day project trip. In groups of 15 to 20 students, they travel to destinations all over Germany. Before the project trips, each student in grades 7 to 9 has to choose a topic that fits the project trip and then writes an annual paper about it.

    Classroom Hour :
    From 8:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

Course information

Schedule 4 Weeks Minimum age 10
Accommodation On-Campus Dorm/residence, Off-campus Residence


  • N/A

Course Schedule

※ From the Course Starting Dates 4Weeks(month) Choose



School's Admin fee
4 Week Week Week Week Week
(EURO)€ 2,789
Week Week Week Week Week


Housing Placement
Accommodation fee
Terms Homestay On-Campus Dorm/residence Off-Campus residence

Airport Pickup

Airport Pickup
Other Charges

Remarks / Other Information

  • * Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.



  • In the Haubinda boarding school village, a one-off admission fee of 520.00 euros (day center 100.00 euros) and two monthly deposit installments are due at the beginning of the school year.

    The German Country Education Homes Hermann Lietz School Foundation, in collaboration with the "Scholarship Fund of Old Citizens and Friends of the Hermann Lietz Schools", awards several scholarships each year amounting to up to 50 percent of the school and boarding school fees. Read more about this here .

    The costs for the different types of schools are broken down as follows: 

    Classes 1 - 10: 2,681.00 euros per month

    Classes 11 - 13: 2,789.00 euros per month

    Additional costs: 200.00 euros per month

    Day school grades 1 - 10: 340.00 euros per month

    Day school grades 11 - 13: 440.00 euros per month

Surrounding Area

  • The Lietz boarding school village Haubinda offers everything you need to feel good. Idyllically located in the south of Thuringia, the students grow up protected in the village community. A separate house for each family, a bakery, a nursery with a greenhouse, a large farm and a large workshop for wood and metal work - all of this characterizes life in Haubinda.


  • The main building of the Hermann Lietz School in Haubinda is a Franconian half-timbered building with English influences. The Lietz boarding school village Haubinda is one of a few rural educational homes that was designed and newly built as a school. All historical buildings of the Hermann Lietz School have been listed as historical monuments since 1991. Originally it was intended to be a purely boys' boarding school. Of the approximately 420 students, around 140 live in the boarding school (as of February 2022). There is a sports field with a beach volleyball field, a two-field sports and multi-purpose hall, a school garden, a library with around 20  computer workstations, a nature trail, a wood workshop and a blacksmith shop. The school also has an agricultural area with its own riding arena. The school grounds cover around 90  hectares. There are a total of 14 boarding houses where the students live with the teachers.

    Annex house
    The neighboring house is also a Franconian half-timbered building. Two boarding families currently live on the upper floor of the renovated building. The lower level contains a classroom, a media center and a student lounge. The school's first gym used to be located there.

    The Emiliahaus of the Hermann Lietz School Haubinda was named after Hermann Lietz 's mother. He lived in this house with his wife and three children until his death in 1919. It was built in 1910.

    The Volkerthaus was named after Friedrich Volkert, who ran the school from 1909 to 1921. It was completely destroyed in the Second World War and rebuilt in 2002.

    Prince's House
    When the son of the von Saalfeld family attended school, a house was built for him in 1920. In 1930 the Prince's House was donated to the “Hermann Lietz Foundation”.

    Since 2014, the new cafeteria has been located north of the historic buildings , where each student has their own individual place to eat.


  • Spanish, math tutoring, natural cosmetics, sewing, basketball , creative guild, art , animal husbandry, horse riding, social guild, baking, working with wood , metal guild , fashion drawing, horticulture, agriculture , beekeepers guild, student band, student court , table tennis, light and sound technology, Burundikids, house design , media guild Haubinda TV , choir , swimming, spinning & weaving, pan & paper, first aid course, photo guild, student parliament , Arduin, diving, shooting, strength training, village shop , chapel planning, barn, student office, fit mix, badminton, archery, golf and of course football.

Top Native Language by Center

  • The proportion of foreign students is around ten to 15 percent.


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