[Germany]   Search Schools
  OISE Heidelberg 
Private language school
Enrollment : 50 Airport Pickup : Yes
  Poststraße 48 D-69115 Heidelberg Germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : +49 6221 90 58 220   Fax : +49 6221 90 58 211
  Website : http://www.oiseheidelberg.com/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Small groups (1:1 or 1:4 for adults and 1:8 for young learners)
- Open office concept for close contact to student
- knowledgeable and experienced teaching staff with specialist backgrounds
  OISE HeidelbergAbout the
Establishment of 1990, OISE distinguishes itself by being the only language training organisation to specialise exclusively in the provision of intensive courses. All participants are immersed in anenvironment conducive to serious, concentrated study. OISE students share the same aims andthe same commitment to learning. Furthermore, since OISE only teaches a language in thecountry where it is spoken, the participant is obliged to speak, listen to, read and write thelanguage all day long. This powerful combination of structured learning within the school andspontaneous language acquisition outside ensures that the participant achieves his or her language learning ambition.
OISE Heidelberg offers intensive courses for universal communication, specific professional use and exam success. The course you choose can consist of a Quatorial programme (maximum of 4 students), a programme of only Tutorial (= individual) lessons (1:1) or a combination of Quatorials and Tutorials. Most programmes also include Spoken Performance Workshops and Masterclasses. The challenging programmes are combined with an exciting after-class entertainment and a carefully chosen host family accommodation.This powerful combination of structured learning within the school and spontaneous language acquisition outside ensures that you achieve your language learning ambition.
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