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  CanSpeak Sprachinstitut Mannheim 
Off-campus Residence
Private language school
Enrollment : Airport Pickup :
  C1 9, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : +49 1512 3295747
  Website : https://canspeak.de/
Basic Info Courses Info Location Photo Album Review
 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Small groups (5-8 course participants)
- High number of exams passed (94%)
- Pleasant learning atmosphere and personal access to the course participants
  CanSpeak Sprachinstitut MannheimAbout the
CanSpeak language school offers A1-C1 German courses in small groups. The classic German course in Mannheim is the core competence of our language school - here we intensively teach the necessary knowledge for every language level. From A1 for beginners with no previous knowledge to C1 for fluent, business-level language skills, we teach all the necessary skills and prepare efficiently for the exams. In addition, we also offer specialized courses: With a DSH or TestDaF German course, we prepare our customers optimally for the German language test for university entrance. With our German for doctors language course in Mannheim, you can specifically improve your job-related language skills. Our customers are primarily young people who are planning to either do an apprenticeship or study at a German university.
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