[Germany]   Search Schools
  School Villa Elisabeth 
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Private language institute (at University)
Enrollment : Airport Pickup :
  Oberschule Villa Elisabeth Uhlandallee 28-30, D-15732 Eichwalde
Contact Info
  Telephone : 030 675 52 62   Fax : 030 675 52 61
  Website : https://privatschulen-ve.de/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Villa Elisabeth Elementary School is a state-approved private school.
- It is an all-day school with integrated remedial teaching and silence.
- According to their abilities, the students should do as much as possible of their schoolwork themselves in order to seperate mentally between school and leisure time.
  School Villa ElisabethAbout the
Villa Elisabeth is a private boarding school in Wildau, a village just outside Berlin surrounded by beautiful lakes. The school  is situated in a historic mansion, built at the end of the 19th century. To get to the city center of Berlin it takes about 50 minutes.The school is small and international students are taken care of very well.
More than 90 years ago, reformed educator Kerschensteiner coined the term "completion tendency." Based on this learning education system, the educational objectives of Villa Elisabeth Primary School are supported by faculty sponsorship within the framework of a full-day education in which students experience their potential and abilities and getting a variety of supports from professors.
The school building is a historic mansion, built at the end of the 19th century. The atmosphere is friendly and familial, as it is a small school with only 250 students. The school is open-minded and demanding. 
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