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  Sayhey language school 
Enrollment : Airport Pickup :
  Große Bleiche 14-16, 55116 Mainz, Germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : +4961314925695
  Website : https://www.sayhey-languages.de/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Various Courses (Private,group,online,evening,children)
- Located in Frankfurt, Germany
- Offers classes in various languages
  Sayhey language schoolAbout the
We want to bring cultures closer together and see languages as the best means to our end. Online courses like Babbel and Co are, in our opinion, a good foundation and can act as a springboard. However, we want to bring culture and language even closer. The best way to do that is face to face and together.We are not an anonymous "business". We are familiar and close. We are always honest and fair to each other. 

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