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Enrollment : 530 Airport Pickup :
  Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 7, 92224 Amberg, Germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : +49962147180
  Website : http://www.max-reger-gymnasium.de/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Student-to-teacher ratio 2:1, around 15 students per class
- Extracurricular activities: mountain biking, climbing, hockey, tennis, rugby, soccer, horseback riding, dancing, skiing, musical instrument lessons, gardening, painting
- student dormitory available
  Max-Reger-GymnasiumAbout the

Max-Reger-Gymnasium is a public boarding school with a musical focus, situated in Amberg (40.000 inhabitants) in Bavaria.  The school has a familial atmosphere, classes are small. The academic level is high, and the school is great if you love and practice music: Musical classes are free for all students, and the school arranges music excursions and rehearsal/practice days.  Another highlight: extracurricular activities like water sports,. horseback riding and theatre club. This boarding school demands German on level A2 for one school year - if your German is not on that level yet, you can do a foundation course first and then switch to this school. If you plan to stay longer and graduate with "Abitur", you should enter grade 10 with B2 level

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