[Germany]   Search Schools
  Schloss-Schlue Kirchberg 
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-campus Residence
Private language institute (at University)
Enrollment : 330 Airport Pickup : Yes
  74592, Kirchberg an der Jagst, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : +49 7954 9802-23   Fax : +49 7954 9802-15
  Website : https://schloss-schule.de/en/welcome/
Basic Info Courses Info Location Photo Album Review
 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Quality education through international programs tailored to the needs of international students, and close contact with teachers in small classes, who go above and beyond to help each individual.
- Safe and healthy living conditions. School located in small village surrounded by idyllic, rural landscapes. Mentors and educators always present on campus to offer extraordinary support and guidance at all times.
- Wide range of extra-curricular activities so that every student is able to foster current interests or discover new hobbies. Many athletic, musical, artistic, technical and academic clubs offered each year.
Top Native Language by Center
35 international students total. 
Approx. 50% from China and the remaining students are from:
South Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, St. Lucia, Canada, Russia, Poland, Ecuador, Spain, Moldavia
  Schloss-Schlue KirchbergAbout the
Internationality Nestled in the peaceful Jagst Valley, the Schloss-Schule Kirchberg is one of the premier private schools in Germany. Originally established in 1914 in the German reform pedagogical tradition, we have enjoyed educating students over the past decade from over 25 countries, including Great Britain, the USA, China, Russia, Mexico, India, Spain, and many more.
We warmly welcome talented students interested in short-term stays anywhere from multiple weeks to a full year, or for longer periods to complete the final “Abitur” exams (entrance qualification to German and other international universities).

Our dedicated team of teachers and educators work tirelessly together to discover the potential and needs of each individual. In addition to exceptional instruction in small classes, students benefit from individual tutoring or remedial group classes to ensure full understanding of course content. International students bring their own unique needs, most importantly the language skills which are the key to success in every subject. In addition to complete linguistic immersion and living with native speakers, our German as a Foreign Language program features regular instruction from the Goethe Institut, intensive courses during school breaks, and additional instruction from in-house teachers to reinforce difficult concepts and methods taught in school.
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