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  University of Applied Science GISMA  
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-campus Residence
University-based Program
Conditional Admission (0)
Enrollment : Airport Pickup :
  Dessauer Str. 3-5 10963 Berlin Germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : +49 (0) 30 58 58 409-50
  Website : https://www.gisma.com/
Basic Info Courses Info Location Photo Album Review
 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Campuses in Berlin and Hannover
- Access to corporate links such as Continental and Volkswagen
- A dedicated Careers Centre
- Programmes taught completely in English
- Free beginner's German classes for all students
Top Native Language by Center
Student demographics (%)
Middle East 33
Americas 20
Europe 27
Asia 20 

  University of Applied Science GISMA About the
The Careers Centre at GISMA offersa range of measures to increase theemployability of our students. Thedepartment actively collaborates withemployers to support students in buildingtheir network of company contacts.Our graduates work in sectors such asinformation technology, banking, financialservices, engineering, mechanicalengineering, oil and gas, human resources,marketing, consulting, and business.We provide a modern and inspiringlearning environment at our campusesin the city centres of Berlin and Hannover,Germany. Studying a business programmewith us will help you to significantlyenhance your career potential. Ourprogrammes help students gain invaluableclient-facing skills to successfully meetinterpersonal and cross-culturalchallenges. All programmes are taughtin English. We place a high valueon language and communicationskills and offer a number of languagecourses through our partnership withThe Language Gallery (TLG).In 2017, GISMA launched two newGrenoble MSc programmes, strengtheningour partnership with GEM. Additionally,we offer four MSc programmes incollaboration with The University ofLaw, which will be starting in September2017. We are now offering postgraduateprogrammes designed, delivered, andawarded by Arden University. Theseprogrammes combine face-to-face sessionswith innovative online learning.
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