[Germany]   Search Schools
  Schloss Neubeuern 
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-campus Residence
Private language institute (at University)
Enrollment : 210 Airport Pickup : Yes
  Schloßstraße 20, 83115 Neubeuern, Germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : 0 80 35 - 90 62 - 52   Fax : 0 80 35 - 90 62 – 73
  Website : https://www.schloss-neubeuern.de/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- State-recognized high school, grades 5 to 12 (from 2025 to 13), i.e. grades 5 - 8 follow the G9 curriculum, grades 9 - 12 follow the G8 curriculum
- scientific-technological and economics training course
- the International Department: the school within the school. Five specialists take care of the needs of international students
- Intensive study and career preparation with an assessment center, application training, rhetoric workshops and two professional internships
Top Native Language by Center
Schloss Neubeuern sees itself as an international school with a proportion of international students of around 35%.
  Schloss NeubeuernAbout the
These pages are intended to introduce you to a very special boarding school in the beautiful Alpine foothills of Upper Bavaria. Neubeuern Castle derives its uniqueness from its current students and employees, but also from the many thousands of old students who are still affectionately connected to “their” Neubeuern and support the school and students in a variety of ways. Neubeuern Castle is a small, manageable school community in which up to 210 students live and learn. The majority of these are boarding school students, but there are also day students from the surrounding area. On the following pages we would like to give you a first impression of Neubeuern Castle. Of course, even the most beautiful pictures and writings cannot be a substitute for your own experience: We would therefore like to invite you to get a personal impression of us on site. We welcome visitors at any time.
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