[Germany]   Search Schools
  Landschulheim Marquartstein 
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-campus Residence
Private language institute (at University)
Enrollment : 650 Airport Pickup :
  Neues Schloß 1, 83250 Marquartstein, Germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : 08641/624-0   Fax : 08641/624-36
  Website : https://www.lsh-marquartstein.de/de
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Staatliches Landschulheim Marquartstein is a Gymnasium located in Marquartstein, southern Bavaria, Germany.
- The school offers a science- and technology-oriented program as well as another one focused on language.
- It features extensive sports-related programs for skiing, tennis and more as well as mandatory courses in handicraft work in addition to academic education.
  Landschulheim MarquartsteinAbout the
Founder Hermann Harless was an influential figure in the reformation of German second education, having worked on a new concept of it alongside Hermann Lietz. The result of their efforts were so-called Landerziehungsheime für Jungen ("Educational Community Home for Boys"). Their focus was put heavily on the development of a student's entire character rather than mere knowledge transfer. Those institutions were to be located away from big cities as to minimize their influence on children. Harless joined the Neue Deutsche Schule ("New German School") of Alexander Sutherland Neill, who later became the founder of the progressive Summerhill School. After the closure of Neue Deutsche Schule Harless founded his own boarding school in 1928 in the small town of Marquartstein near the Bavarian Alps. In its first year, only 16 students enrolled in Landschulheim Marquartstein. The concept of coeducation and a boarding school that accepts both girls and boys was new at that time and had only been implemented in a handful of schools across Germany. The success of Harless's approach reflected in a growing number of students and eventually earned him a permit to hold official Abitur graduation exams by 1940. This was a big achievement at the time as students from private schools normally had to take their final exams at a nearby public school. Hermann Harless was the school's principal until the forced nationalization by the Nazis in 1943. Although now under the regime's control, coeducation and mixed-sex boarding houses remained in place at the Landschulheim. Ironically, the boarding school was closed for female students four years after the end of WWII by ministerial decree. Due to dwindling numbers of boarding school residents, the mixed-sex system was brought back in 1989.
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