[Germany]   Search Schools
  Schulzentrum Marienhöhe 
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-campus Residence
Private language institute (at University)
Enrollment : 700 Airport Pickup :
  Auf d. Marienhöhe 32, 64297 Darmstadt, Germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : 06151/53 91-0   Fax : 06151/53 91-168
  Website : https://www.marienhoehe.de/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Schulzentrum Marienhöhe or Marienhoehe Academy is a private K-12, co-educational Christian boarding school in Darmstadt, Germany.
- It is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
- The school has close ties with Friedensau Adventist University.
Top Native Language by Center
The day students come from Darmstadt and surrounding areas, the boarding school students from the Rhein-Main region, from all over Germany and also from abroad (China, South Korea, Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine).
  Schulzentrum MarienhöheAbout the
Founded in 1925, Schulzentrum Marienhöhe in Darmstadt is an independent private school (Schule in freier Trägerschaft). Supporting association is Schulzentrum Marienhöhe gGmbH, an institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (public law corporation) with the educational departments Gymnasium, Realschule (Intermediate Secondary School ) and elementary school as well as a boarding school, one for boys and one for girls. Around 700 students attend our school, about 50 youths and young adults age 14 to approx. 21 years old live in our dormitories. The day students come from Darmstadt and surrounding areas, the boarding school students from the Rhein-Main region, from all over Germany and also from abroad (China, South Korea, Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine). We accept students - regardless of their religious denominations or ideologies - who fulfil the formal requirements for admittance in Hessen and who are willing to join the school community in accordance with the values of our mission statement by participating in the creation of the positive togetherness on our campus.
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