[Germany]   Search Schools
  Schule Schloss Salem 
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Private language institute (at University)
Enrollment : 600 Airport Pickup : Yes
  Schule Schloss Salem Schlossbezirk 1 88682 Salem Germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : + 49 7553 919-0
  Website : https://www.schule-schloss-salem.de/en/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- 35% of students are foreign students from more than 40 countries. English is the language of communication at school along with German.
- Schule Schloss Salem is the only school in Germany to offer the unique International Classes high school curriculum, which allows you to carefully prepare for further studies under the IB program.
- The ratio of students to teachers is 1: 6. Each student receives almost individual attention.
  Schule Schloss SalemAbout the
Schule Schloss Salem is a private boarding school located in southern Germany. The school was founded in 1920 by Prince Maximilian of Baden and the outstanding German teacher Kurt Kahn. From the very beginning it adhered to the classical traditions in education, despite the fact that advanced teaching methods have always been applied in accordance with the requirements of the time. Today it is the largest international school in Germany, but it still focuses on fulfilling its main mission - nurturing the character of children. Pupils and graduates of the school grow up caring people, ready to take responsibility for solving problems - their own and society as a whole.
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