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  Merz Schule 
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-campus Residence
Private language institute (at University)
Enrollment : 800 Airport Pickup :
  Albrecht-Leo-Merz-Weg 2, D-70184 Stuttgart, Germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : +49 (0)711 21034-0   Fax : +49 (0)711 21034-29
  Website : https://www.merz-schule.de/
Basic Info Courses Info Location Photo Album Review
 Basic Info
Why This School?
- After a successful school career, you can also complete university studies at the Merz Academy.
- An elite sports school and partner of the Stuttgart Olympic base.
- Recognized as a “MINT-friendly school” (MINT stands for mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology).
Top Native Language by Center
718 students – 120 foreign students92 teachers – 7% foreign teachers
  Merz SchuleAbout the
The educational institution, which opened in 1918 as the “Werkhaus-Werkschule Merz”, is still considered a pioneer of innovative and successful teaching methods. Following the “recognize and create” method, our pedagogy is aimed at ensuring that the children entrusted to us learn to think in an observational manner and act creatively. We encourage them to question their environment and develop their own positions that serve as a starting point for self-confident and responsible action. We encourage young people to develop their intellectual and creative potential and to grow beyond themselves.
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