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  Schloss Crassenstein 
Enrollment : Airport Pickup :
   Am Schloss, 59329 Wadersloh, germany
Contact Info
  Telephone : +49 2520 9312615
  Website : https://www.crassenstein.com/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Schloss Crassenstein is a beautiful castle in western Germany, in a scenic environment near the small town of Wadersloh, with 10,000 inhabitants.
- The castle was transformed into a boarding house for international exchange students, who live here like a small community.
- Some of them stay longer (at least 3 years) in order to get ready for the German "Abitur", allowing access to universities in Germany.
  Schloss CrassensteinAbout the
Castle Crassenstein private boarding school, West Germany, inmidst beautiful countryside and next to Wadersloh, a small town with 10.000 inhabitants. Castle Crassenstein was originally home to an aristocratic family going back to the 11th century. Today it accommodates a private boarding school, bearing the same name "Castle Crassenstein". In order to create a warm and comfortable environment for our students, empathy and life experience are particularly important t in the team. Teachers listen to students and always make time for their concerns. Teachers are all experienced specialists, familiar with modern care concepts and we continuously develop our didactic and pedagogical skills through further education and training. Of course, we have all the necessary qualifications for our respective areas. The school offers dynamic and modern teaching in a historical setting: Meals for example are served in the historic knights' hall. Extracurricular activities include regular cultural trips and a wide range of music and performing arts activities such as drama & dance clubs, fine arts and music classes.
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