[Germany]   Search Schools
  Sprachinstitut perfekt.deutsch - Dortmund 
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-campus Residence
Private language school
Conditional Admission (0)
Enrollment : 200 Airport Pickup : Yes
  Westenhellweg 85-89 44137 Dortmund Deutschland
Contact Info
  Telephone :
  Website : http://www.perfekt-deutsch.de/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- perfekt.deutsch is a language school in Dortmund, that specializes in the preparation of foreign students for the DSH and TestDaF Tests.
- perfekt.deutsch registers its students, who successfully passed the C1&DSH-Preparation Course, for the DSH at specific Universities in Germany. University Acceptance is NOT necessary. All German Universities and Colleges recognize the DSH-Certificate.
- The candidates who have passed „ C1 & DSH Preparatory Course“ and possess a valid admission letter of TU Dortmund can register themselves for DSH Examination at TU Dortmund. The DSH Certificate of TU Dortmund is acceptable by all the universities of Germany.
- The students from perfekt.deutsch can enroll themselves in the university immediately from level A1 to obtain a Students Identity Card, which is utmost necessary to receive the below mentioned benefits:
  Sprachinstitut perfekt.deutsch - DortmundAbout the
perfekt.deutsch offers you a course which is tailored according to your needs and requirements. The language code is strictly in German right from the First Hour of the Course – starting A1 as well.The Lectures conducted by perfekt.deutsch are diversified, this means that on daily basis you are trained in 4 important skills – Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking, so that the Speaking Skill remains foreground. The important grammatical knowledge would be presented to you in a structured manner and you certainly would have a ample opportunity to train yourself with different practice and exercise materials provided by perfekt.deutsch. We keep no stone unturned to provide you with a comfortable learning atmosphere and knowledge that you can implement in your day to day activities.In order to improve your Language acquisition perfekt.deutsch further support and offer you with a Computer based Language Program (E-Learning) so that you can confidently, quickly and effectively improve your Language skills.We the Teaching Staff at perfekt.deutsch look forward for your visit and would be really glad to advice and guide you with a smile!
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