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  Vancouver International College (VIC) 
Private language school
Enrollment : 180 Airport Pickup : Yes
  2nd Floor, 549 Howe Street Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 2C2
Contact Info
  Telephone : +1 604 893 8423   Fax : +1 604 893 8428
  Website : http://vicenglish.com
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- VIC is downtown, where students will experience the friendliness and diverse cultures of Vancouver.
- We are dedicated to our students’ success and strive to provide the best environment possible to help them achieve their goals.
- VIC can expect a positive, student-centered learning environment which guarantees high levels of achievement in their language study.
Top Native Language by Center
 The nationality and age mix ; varies over different time periods, courses and levels.
  Vancouver International College (VIC)About the
Vancouver International College is located in one of the world’s most beautiful cities. VIC is downtown, where students will experience the friendliness and diverse cultures of Vancouver. Our goal is to provide our students with excellence in English education. We are dedicated to our students’ success and strive to provide the best environment possible to help them achieve their goals. Our college provides a warm supportive environment, and our staff and teachers are sensitive to the needs of our culturally-diverse student population.
Our staff is composed of professional instructors of English as a Second Language. Our teachers are energetic, enthusiastic and dedicated to the overall success of our students. Many of our instructors have lived and worked outside of Canada, which equips them to provide the support and care that is necessary to make our students’ Canadian visit a memorable and successful one. Students are fully supported during their stay at VIC and multilingual counselors are available to assist students in their adjustment to life in Canada.
Students who study at VIC can expect a positive, student-centered learning environment which guarantees high levels of achievement in their language study. To maximize learning, class sizes are small, with a limit of 12 students per class. We pride ourselves on offering clean, comfortable and modern facilities, and students have access to computers and the internet through wireless technology. Always, our focus is to help our students move from learning the language to using the language in an authentic and natural environment.
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