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  University of Niagara Falls Canada (UNFC) 
Off-campus Residence
University-based Program
Enrollment : Airport Pickup : No
  4342 Queen Street, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada L2E 7J7
Contact Info
  Telephone : (+1) 289.273.0049
  Website : https://unfc.com/
Basic Info Courses Info Location Photo Album Review
 Basic Info
Why This School?
- 5 Innovative programs designed around relevant career outcomes
- 3 Program delivery options – in-person, hybrid, and online
- #1 Tourist Destination in Canada – Niagara Falls
  University of Niagara Falls Canada (UNFC)About the
Our undergraduate and graduate programs are meticulously designed to meet the evolving demands of today’s and tomorrow’s global workforce. Students will not only gain proficiency in navigating the complexities of the digital world but also possess the skills and knowledge to actively shape its future. Our transformative approach is built around guiding students to develop a ‘Digital Mindset’.
  University of Niagara Falls Canada (UNFC)About the
The University of Niagara Falls Canada (UNF) is situated in the heart of Niagara Falls and is committed to cultivating an academic community that prepares graduates for leadership in a digital world. UNF offers a variety of professionally oriented undergraduate and graduate programs. Through an immersive learning setting that promotes interactive and experiential education, UNF takes pride in delivering a distinctive academic journey that readies prospective graduates for success in their chosen fields.
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