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  University of Waterloo  
Renison English Language Centre
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-campus Residence
University-based Program
Enrollment : Airport Pickup :
  Room 1930 240 Westmount Road N., Waterloo, ON
Contact Info
  Telephone : (+1) 519-884-4404, ext. 28692   Fax : (+1) 519-884-5135
  Website : https://uwaterloo.ca/english-language-institute/
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Why This School?
- Experience Canada's most innovative university, the University of Waterloo
- More than 1000 students from 35 countries
- More than 40 years of experience
  Renison English Language CentreAbout the
Located in Renison University College at the University of Waterloo, the Renison English Language Institute (Renison ELI) offers a variety of English as a second language (ESL) programs and courses to help students succeed in reading, writing, listening and speaking in English. With more than 40 years of experience and success in delivering high quality ESL programming, Renison ELI supports more than 1000 students from 35 countries each year in achieving their goals. At Renison ELI, you will:*Experience Canada's most innovative university, the University of Waterloo.*Explore Canada's most populous ​and exciting region, in theprovince of Ontario.*Establish lifelong friendships from around the world and be part of asocially diverse community, at Renison University College.The Renison English Language Institute (Renison ELI) has offered high quality English as a second language (ESL) programs and courses since 1970. We welcome more than 1000 students each year to Renison University College.We are also proud to be the official ESL provider of the University of Waterloo, ranked Canada’s most innovative university for 21 years in a row. Moreover, more than 1000 students from 35 countries enrolled in credit and non-credit programs and courses. More than 40 years of experience, we offer courses delivered by TEST-certified instructors.
  University of Waterloo About the
For 22 years in a row, the University of Waterloo has been named the most innovative university in the Maclean's reputational survey of Canadian universities.
*Canada’s #1 comprehensive research university
-- Canada Top 50 Research Universities Survey
*35,100 full and part-time students in more than 100 academic programs
*Among the top 250 universities in the world
-- Renison University College is one of 4 affiliated colleges at the University of Waterloo. Located on the uWaterloo campus, Renison provides a small community experience within the larger University of Waterloo student population. This creates the perfect environment for studying English while experiencing student life at a large university.

What makes Renison special?
Small classes, diverse students, and experienced instructors*Only 20 students per class in Renison ELI courses.
*A diverse classroom, with students from more than 35 different countries.*Our instructors are TESL-certified and are experienced in teaching English to students age 17 and above.Excellent facilities to support living and learning-Take advantage of Renison's state-of-the-art, 4,300 square foot library equipped with two group study rooms, thirty private study spaces, and computer workstations.*Eat well and practice your English with your friends in Renison's on-site cafeteria, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
*Live in Renison's Residence and enjoy many of the student life activities and events that will help you make friends and transition to university life at Waterloo.
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