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  BLI Montreal 
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-campus Residence
Private language school
Enrollment : 600 Airport Pickup : Yes
  Suite 400, 70 Rue Notre Dame Ouest
Contact Info
  Telephone : +1 514 842 3847
  Website : https://bli.ca/bli-montreal/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- located in the heart of Old Montreal
- modern facilities
- over 40 years experience in the language education
  BLI MontrealAbout the
Our modern facilities offer students a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere that makes the learning progress very enjoyable and fun. Accredited by Languages Canada, BLI Montreal is a language school with over 40 years experience in the language education industry and highly successful academic and general immersion programs for all levels. We use a dynamic, student centered and communicative approach that will not only help you become proficient and fluent in a language, but also will give you the tools to succeed at a global level. If your goal is to learn English, French or both, come to BLI and live unique learning experience.
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