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  Sydney Film School 
Enrollment : Airport Pickup :
  242 Young St, Waterloo NSW 2017, Australia
Contact Info
  Telephone : +61296982244
  Website : http://www.sydneyfilmschool.edu.au/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Sydney Film School employs industry professionals with real credits
- you study in a purpose built facility that is industry standard.
- Our curriculum makes you practise filmmaking under real world conditions
  Sydney Film SchoolAbout the
Sydney Film School was founded to teach the essential filmmaking ‘tools’ necessary for a successful career in the global film industry. It is an intense training experience where our students learn how to be filmmakers. Through producing and crewing a significant number of films, students gain the skills required to both be employed by the industry, and create their own productions. Since Sydney Film School’s inception, alumni have gone onto successful careers across the planet, and create a network for new students to build relationships with.Sydney Film School offers a one year Diploma. We also offer, in partnership with Excelsia College, a Bachelor of Screen Production. Our courses are intensive, hands-on programs where students learn through production. You learn the theory of filmmaking, and then apply it by making films. Lots of them. You create your own vision for your films, while also crewing your fellow filmmakers’ projects.
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