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  Lloyds International College 
Off-campus Residence
Vocational school-based Program
Enrollment : Airport Pickup :
  Level 3, 127 Liverpool St, Sydney 2000
Contact Info
  Telephone : (02) 8263 1202
  Website : https://lloydscollege.nsw.edu.au/
Basic Info Courses Info Location Photo Album Review
 Basic Info
Why This School?
- We delivery quality education both digitally and physically
- When allowed, we always make sure to bond outside the classroom
- We are placed in the buzzling city of Sydney, Australia
Top Native Language by Center
Europe (11%)
China / Hong Kong / Taiwan (24%)
South America (13%)
Japan (8%)
Korea (8%)
Malaysia (6%)
Mongolia (3%)
Nepal (3%)
Thai (24%)
Vietnam (1%)
  Lloyds International CollegeAbout the
Lloyds International College (est.1999) has been welcoming students for over 20 years. Over this time the college has developed into a well-established college. Lloyds International College provides training to both International (CRICOS) and Australian students in English and Business courses. Lloyds International College is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), accredited through Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to issue qualifications under the Australian Government’s Australian Qualifications Framework.
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