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  University of Tasmania (UTAS) - Hobart 
English Language Centre
On-Campus Dorm/residence
Off-campus Residence
University-based Program
Conditional Admission (0)
Enrollment : 200 Airport Pickup : Yes
  Hytten Hall, French Street, Sandy Bay 7005
Contact Info
  Telephone : +61 3 8676 7017
  Website : http://www.utas.edu.au/english-language-centre/home
Basic Info Courses Info Location Photo Album Review
 Basic Info
Why This School?
- The UTAS English Language Centre offers a variety of English language teaching programs taught by fully qualified, highly committed teachers.
- Students have full access to University services
- The English Language Centre is a member of English Australia and UECA (University English Centres' Association) and is a registered IELTS testing centre.
Top Native Language by Center
China, Middle-East, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan
  English Language CentreAbout the
The UTAS English Language Centre offers a variety of English language teaching programs taught by fully qualified, highly committed teachers. The latest teaching methods ensure that classes stimulate, motivate and enable students to move rapidly through the different levels of competency to reach their study goals.Students have full access to University services and have all the discount benefits available to other University students for transport, accommodation, books, cinema, gym, etc.Whether you need to improve your English to qualify for further study, or to enhance job opportunities, or just out of interest, the UTAS English Language Centre has a program that will suit. Special-focus English language programs can also be designed for groups.The English Language Centre is a member of English Australia and is a registered IELTS testing centre. All courses are regulated by the Australian Government agency TEQSA (Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency).
  University of Tasmania (UTAS) - HobartAbout the
The University of Tasmania is classed within the top two per cent of Universities worldwide and has received numerous awards for excellence in teaching.In 2015 alone, six University of Tasmania academics were given citations in the prestigious Australian Awards for University Teaching – the highest number for any Australian university. This recognition emphasises the high calibre of education offered across the breadth of academic disciplines at the University of Tasmania.
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