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  Melbourne English College(MEC) 
Off-campus Residence
Private language school
Enrollment : Airport Pickup :
  333 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Contact Info
  Telephone : +61 3 9749 7727
  Website : https://mec.melbourne/
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Melbourne English College offers 4 levels of General English.
- All levels carefully designed to cover the macro-skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing as well as grammar and pronunciation practice.
- Multicultural environment, enjoy world-class education, experience vibrant cultural offerings, and benefit from excellent infrastructure and job opportunities.
  Melbourne English College(MEC)About the
Melbourne English College is a CRICOS provider (#03934G). We specialise in Vocational Education Courses and English Language Courses. We are committed to cultivating and nurturing the knowledge and skills of each of our students to develop job-ready individuals who are equipped and competent to undertake their chosen careers. To make this happen, Melbourne English College ensures that the courses we offer are tailored to suit the student’s needs and the requirements of their chosen industry. Our courses are designed to provide teaching and learning excellence, flexibility, and personal satisfaction and to consistently meet students’ expectations and industry demands. As such Melbourne English College has systems, policies, procedures, and internal controls in place to provide quality education and support to both their learners and staff.
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