- Palm Springs is famous for golf, spas, casinos and outdoor activities. IEA's small town lifestyle is perfect for those wanting to relax and study in a beautiful and safe location. - The Intensive English Academy (IEA) is a high quality intensive English program that will assist students to learn English skills that will be needed for entering an American university or college. - The program stresses academic English preparation as well as conversational skills.
National Mix
IEA's teachers are all trained in English language instruction and enjoy working with our international students. Many of the teachers teach at the college level and are aware of the English skills required to succeed in college/university.
Intensive English AcademyAbout the
The Intensive English Academy (IEA) is a high quality intensive English program that will assist students to learn English skills that will be needed for entering an American university or college. The program stresses academic English preparation as well as conversational skills. The IEA is also ideal for students wanting to learn English and experience American culture. College of Desert's beautiful location in one of the most famous resort towns in California - Palm Springs - makes the IEA a perfect choice to begin one's studies. Palm Springs is famous for golf, spas, casinos and outdoor activities. IEA's small town lifestyle is perfect for those wanting to relax and study in a beautiful and safe location. The school is located only 2 hours by car from the beach, mountains, Los Angeles and San Diego. Students can enjoy the life of Southern California all in College of Desert.
College of the DesertAbout the
College of the Desert (COD) is a public two-year community college located in Palm Desert in the Coachella Valley of Riverside County, California. The current COD enrollment is about 10,200 students, of which about one third attend college full-time. COD is distinguished as the home of the Energy Technology Training Center, a nationally recognized leader in alternative fuel training, and a model for nine other community college alternative-fuel training programs throughout California. The college was also recognized as a Hispanic-serving institution (HSI) in 2000, for which it received a $1.8 million federal grant to enable it to continue serving the Coachella Valley's 51% Hispanic population. Courses at the college address a local need for employees in the hospitality, medical and agriculture industries, and COD offers A.A. degrees and certificate programs in culinary management, nursing, turf management, public safety and agriculture as well as in unique vocations such as transportation technology and digital design. Students planning to complete an undergraduate degree are also prepared at COD for transfer to other institutions, and admission to the branch campuses of the University of California Riverside in Indian Wells and Cal State San Bernardino in Palm Desert is facilitated for COD students.
Focus of Study : The Intensive English Academy (IEA) is a high quality intensive English program that will assist students to learn English skills that will be needed for entering an American university or college.The program stresses academic English preparation as well as conversational skills. The Intensive English Academy (IEA) is a high quality intensive English program that will assist students to learn English skills that will be needed for entering an American university or college. The program stresses academic English preparation as well as conversational skills. The IEA is also ideal for students wanting to learn English and experience American culture. College of Dessert's resort location makes it a great place for students to learn English, enjoy outdoor activities and make new friends
Curriculum : Whether hoping to learn English to prepare for university study, or to experience life in America, the Intensive English Academy (IEA) has a program for all students. IEA offer both Standard Programs of 8 and 16 weeks in length and an 8 Week Summer Accelerated Program.The program offers courses from Beginning to Advanced levels. Students must complete 16 weeks in each level in order to advance; students who successfully complete the 8 Week Summer Accelerated Program can advance to the next level. Students learn through assignments, field trips, in-class activities, and homework. Students are encouraged to actively participate in their classes. IEA's teachers are all trained in English language instruction and enjoy working with international students.
Classroom Hour : 25 hours per week from Monday to Friday. Course schedule may vary for each level.
Focus of Study : The Intensive English Academy (IEA) is a high quality intensive English program that will assist students to learn English skills that will be needed for entering an American university or college.The program stresses academic English preparation as well as conversational skills. The Intensive English Academy (IEA) is a high quality intensive English program that will assist students to learn English skills that will be needed for entering an American university or college. The program stresses academic English preparation as well as conversational skills. The IEA is also ideal for students wanting to learn English and experience American culture. College of Dessert's resort location makes it a great place for students to learn English, enjoy outdoor activities and make new friends
Curriculum : Whether hoping to learn English to prepare for university study, or to experience life in America, the Intensive English Academy (IEA) has a program for all students. IEA offer both Standard Programs of 8 and 16 weeks in length and an 8 Week Summer Accelerated Program.The program offers courses from Beginning to Advanced levels. Students must complete 16 weeks in each level in order to advance; students who successfully complete the 8 Week Summer Accelerated Program can advance to the next level. Students learn through assignments, field trips, in-class activities, and homework. Students are encouraged to actively participate in their classes. IEA's teachers are all trained in English language instruction and enjoy working with international students.
Classroom Hour : 25 hours per week from Monday to Friday. Course schedule may vary for each level.
* Dates and Fees are approximate and may change without prior notice.
The purpose of the Host Family Program is to provide students with a warm home and an opportunity to learn more about American culture. Student's host family will provide him guidelines and support during his studies in the United States. The host family will provide a private room, a bed, closet, desk, lamp and chair. Bedding will also be provided.
Surrounding Area
College of Desert's beautiful location in one of the most famous resort towns in California - Palm Springs - makes the IEA a perfect choice to begin one's studies. Palm Springs is famous for golf, spas, casinos and outdoor activities. IEA's small town lifestyle is perfect for those wanting to relax and study in a beautiful and safe location. The school is located only 2 hours by car from the beach, mountains, Los Angeles and San Diego. Students can enjoy the life of Southern California all in College of Desert.
cafeteria, computer center, fitness center, gymnasium, language technology center, library, music practice room, Racquetball/Squash courts, running track, snack bar, swimming pool, tennis court, wheelchair accessible
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프로그램에 대하여
By 송준기 [2015-10-05 15:09:48]
Q: 칼리지 오브 디저트 대학에 진학을 준비중인데요, 프로그램에 대하여 궁금합니다.
A: 수업 포커스 :
영어 집중 프로그램은 학생들이 미국 대학에 입학하기 위한 영어실력을 충족시키는데 도움을
주도록 제작된 높은 수준의 영어프로그램입니다. 이 프로그램은 학문적 영어실력 뿐만 아니라 회화능력도 중요시 여깁니다. 또한IEA는 학생들이
영어와 동시에 미국 문화에 대해서도 배울 기회를 제공합니다. 컬리지 오브 디저트는 학생들이 영어를 배우는 동시에 다른 활동을 즐기며 새로운
친구를 사귈 수 있는 휴양 도시에 위치해 있습니다.
커리큘럼 : 영어 집중 프로그램은 미국에서
대학을 다니고 싶은 학생이나 단순히 미국 생활을 경험해보고싶은 모든 학생을 위한 프로그램을 제공합니다. 이 프로그램은8-16주 완성으로 여름
심화 코스와 함께 진행됩니다. 이 프로그램은 초급부터 고급까지의 레벨로 나뉘어져 있으며 학생들은 미리 16주 수업을 들어야 높은 레벨로 이동
가능하며 여름 심화 코스 8주를 완성한 학생들 또한 높은 레벨로 옮길 수 있습니다. 학생들은 과제, 견학, 수업 내 활동등을 통해 영어 실력을
향상시키게 되며 참여도 또한 매우 중요합니다. IEA의 교사들은 영어교육에 대한 훈련을 이수했으며 국제학생들과의 수업을
칼리지 오브 디저트는 Coachella Valley의 Palm,
California에 위치한 2년제 대학인 것으로 알고있습니다.
위치는 캘리포니아에 있다는 점이 마음에 들었습니다.
번화가로 갈까 생각도 했지만 오히려 이 작은 소도시가 공부하기에 더욱 더 좋을 거 같아서 선택하였습니다.
제가 들었던 프로그램의 이름은 ' The Intensive English Academy (IEA)의 영어집중프로그램' 이며 이 프로그램은 은 학생들이 미국 대학 수준에서 요구되는 영어 실력을 충족할
수 있도록 교육을 합니다. 이 프로그램은 특히 학문적 영어실력 준비 및 회화에 중점을 두고 있어서 대학 입시를 준비하는 저에게는 더할나위 없는 좋은 프로그램이었습니다. 미국 문화와 영어를 같이 배우기에는 좋은 프로그램이 아니었나 싶습니다. 그리고이 프로그램은 초급부터 고급까지의 레벨로 나뉘어져 있으며 학생들은 미리 16주 수업을 들어야 높은 레벨로 이동 가능하고 여름 심화 코스 8주를
완성한 학생들 또한 높은 레벨로 옮길 수 있어서 저는 방학동안 열심히 공부를 하여 조금 더 높은 반으로 진학 할 수 있었습니다. 만약에 큰 도시로 가서 수업을 들었다면 집중도가 떨어졌을거 같으나 이 소도시에서는 좋았습니다.
수업시간은 수업마다 다르나 보통 월-금 주 당 25시간정도 씩 진행하였고 수업이 버겁다고 생각이 들지 않을정도의 수업 시간이었던거 같습니다.
학생수는 약 15명 정도가 같이 수업을 듣고 그 수가 적당한거 같아서 매우 좋았어요.
학생수가 많으면 아무래도 수업도 집중도도 떨어지고 하는 경향이 있는데 작은 소규모의 수업이라서 친구들도 사귈 수 있고 조별 과제도 같이 하면서 친구들을 사귈 수 있었습니다.
숙박은 학교에서 제공하는 기숙사를 이용하였습니다.
친구들을 사귀기에는 이 방법이나을거 같아서 선택하였습니다.
저는 일단 어학연수를 마치고나서 다른 학교로 전학이 가능하기 때문에 California Riverside in Indian Wells and Cal State San Bernardino in Palm Desert 로 입학을 예정중입니다. 한국에서 고민만하고 진학하지 않았더라면 할 수 없었던 일들이 지금 일어나는 걸 보면 참 오길 잘 했다는 생각이 드네요.
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