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  DreamIT ESL 
Off-campus Residence
Private language school
Enrollment : Airport Pickup :
  34 W 32nd St 10th fl, New York, NY 10001, United States
Contact Info
  Telephone : +1 347-897-5339
  Website : http://dreamitny.com/home.icn
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 Basic Info
Why This School?
- Academic, and personal, and advising and additional assistance as necessary;
- Referrals for professional assistance for students are made as necessary;
- Information regarding extracurricular and social, cultural events as appropriate;
  DreamIT ESLAbout the
At DREAMIT ESL, INC., we provide high quality ESL instruction to non-native speakers of English in various levels of proficiency in order to ensure that all students, regardless of age (18+), gender, occupation or ethnic background, receive proper support in the classroom to meet their academic, social/practical, or professional needs.
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