Focus of Study : Our classes are designed for students ranging in proficiency from true beginner to high intermediate/advanced levels. Full-time students receive 21 hours* of instruction per week addressing a complete range of language skills including reading and vocabulary development, writing and grammar, and oral communication; academic listening and note-taking instruction is included at the top levels. Enrichment courses that complement the curriculum at each level are also included
- Foundations Level: Introductory level for students who have very little or no working knowledge of English. Advancement from the Foundations Level to Level 1 may require more than one 7-week term.- Level 1: Beginning level for students who have some basic knowledge of English. - Level 2: High beginning level for students who understand simplified input and can be understood, but demonstrate a lack of fluency. - Level 3: Low Intermediate level for students who can understand and read adapted material with some ease, but may make frequent mistakes when writing and speaking. - Level 4: Intermediate level for students who understand adapted reading material and some authentic material and are able to communicate most ideas clearly when speaking or writing. - Level 5: High intermediate/low advanced level for students who can read and understand most authentic reading material and engage in authentic academic discourse with limited guidance. - Level 6: Advanced level for students who can read and understand authentic reading material and engage in authentic academic discourse with limited guidance - Level 7: Advanced level for graduate students who can read and understand authentic reading material and engage in authentic discourse with limited guidance.