Focus of Study :
Taking the time to seriously focus on your English will open up unlimited opportunities for you. Your English level will greatly improve, broadening your horizons and giving you an advantage in your chosen career or education. On a more personal level, spending time learning English abroad will give you incredible experiences. You will challenge yourself, become more independent and make lasting international friendships.
*Your level is between Beginner and Advanced.
*You want to enter university or embark on a masters degree.
*You want to give yourself a clear advantage in the workplace and expand your career opportunities.
*You want to take a worthwhile sabbatical learning English before continuing your education or career.
Benefit, Goal of this course :
As well as all the tuition, personal guidance and support our Academic Year students receive, EC also provides:
General and nationality-specific pronunciation clinics
P&M – Structured guidance to help with participation and motivation
Café Chat – a relaxed forum for students to practise their spoken English in a social context
Library stocked with books and other resources, for private study time, personal research and reflection
Curriculum :30 lessons per week in total (each lesson 45minutes long) will be given to the students. These intensive lessons, given in morning and afternoon, will focus on improving the students’ communication abilities. Students will also learn an extensive range of vocabulary in order to improve their general skills for listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The Academic Year Programme courses start every Monday and are offered all year around. In the mornings, each student will receive lessons that are general and more comprehensive in order to help the students overall understanding of English. In the afternoons, instructions for more focused and special studies will be provided. Students will meet their teachers, mentors, and academic year co-ordinator to receive their language portfolio and to set their personal goal for learning. The course will provide a superior guidance to develop fluency, accuracy, and excellent abilities in four major areas of English. Students will continuously receive assessments for tutorials, homework, progress and test reports. Eventually, students will find confidence in their English abilities and their learning potentials.Instructions during the course focus on grammar, reading, writing, speaking and listening. On a weekly basis, students will be able to communicate with their instructors to plan their academic goals and schedules. Whether their levels are beginners or advanced, students will be asked to take a comprehensive placement test when they arrive at the school. They will have a profound understanding of their English abilities, and receive a Personal Language Portfolio—including a report of progress, tests, personal learning, and example work—to eventually reach their desired goal. When students reach the Intermediate level, students will have the option of choosing between two different educational tracks: English for Work & Life and English for University. Students also may take an official exam such as TOEFL or IELTS as a part of their course.When out of class, students can participate in diverse activities and practice their English in daily-life situations. Social and leisure activities such as A Conversation Partners Program will be available. This program offers partners who will meet with students about one hour per week to participate in social activities together. Classroom sizes are between 10 to 12 and maximum at 14. C lass sizes are consciously planned to make the most ideal environment for students.