Focus of Study : This RII60520 – Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design qualification reflects the role of an individual working as a senior civil works designer or a para-professional designer, who supports professional engineers. They perform tasks that are broad, specialised, complex and technical and include strategic areas and initiating activities.
Benefit, Goal of this course : They are responsible for the design of complex projects to ensure the implementation of the client’s site requirements and are required to demonstrate self-directed application of theoretical and technical knowledge and initiate solutions to technical problems or management requirements.
Curriculum :
Course Structure
To be awarded this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in 12 units of competency, consisting of 5 core units and 7 elective units.
After completion of this course and all assessments, you will be issued with the Nationally Recognised Qualification RII60520 – Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design.
A Statement of Attainment will be issued to students who partially complete this course.
Units of competency
BSBPMG632 Manage program risk Core
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness Core
BSBWHS616 Apply safe design principles to control WHS risks Core
RIICWD601E Manage civil works design processes Core
RIIQUA601E Establish and maintain a quality system Core
BSBSTR601 Manage innovation and continuous improvement Elective
BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans Elective
RIICWD507D Prepare detailed geotechnical design Elective
RIICWD512E Prepare detailed design of motorways and interchanges Elective
RIILAT402E Provide leadership in the supervision of diverse work teams Elective
MEM30031A Operate computer-aided design (CAD) system to produce basic drawing elements relevant training Elective
CPPSSI5050 Produce survey drawings Elective
Classroom Hour :15 Hours/Week Face to Face and 5 Hours/Week Online
104 weeks (80 Academic weeks + 24 Weeks Holidays)