Focus of Study and Benefits:
Advanced Grammar
This course is the third-level grammar course for non-native speakers of English. It includes the integration of major English tenses previously studied in Beginning Grammar and Intermediate Grammar and introduction of the remaining verb tenses and complex modals. It also includes the introduction to adjective, adverb, and noun clause structures and integration of core academic vocabulary into complex sentences.
Advanced Reading
This course is the third-level reading course for non-native speakers of English. It includes the further development of academic vocabulary, the mastery of and introduction to additional reading skills, development of the understanding of English clause structures and connectors encountered in academic types of reading, mastery of dictionary skills, and the development of reading fluency.
Advanced Writing
This is the third-level writing course for non-native speakers of English. The grammar introduced in Beginning Grammar, Intermediate Grammar, and Advanced Grammar is used in writing essays utilizing the principles of process writing, including pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing.
Advanced Listening and Speaking
This course is the third-level listening/speaking course for non-native speakers of English. It includes mastery of first, second, and third level grammar structures in aural/oral communication; continued development of accuracy and fluency in aural/oral skills — including pronunciation, intonation, correct grouping of vocabulary items in phrases; an introduction to academic vocabulary development; and an introduction to simple forms of gerunds and infinitives.
Curriculum :
The English Language Institute (ELI) provides intensive, high-quality, non-credit instruction to non-native English Language speakers. The ELI is an academic unit of Florida State College and is located at Downtown Campus. ELI help students gain proficiency in English as a second language and a better understanding of American culture. As the central focus of our mission — consistent with the College's mission to provide meaningful learning, excellent teaching and quality service — students will be provided an intellectually stimulating and supportive environment that is flexible yet goal-oriented. The program is divided into two levels, with 10 to 15 students in each class. Students have to be age of 18 to apply to this program.
Classroom Hour :
20 hours/week,
four days a week, Monday–Thursday, from 9 a.m.–3 p.m.