Curriculum :
ESL Level 1
Level 1 primarily focuses on survival English skills. The secondary focus is English for personal and daily use. Students will use English in order to communicate in various relevant, real-world contexts. Students will learn to use basic grammar structures for speaking and writing tasks, and begin to demonstrate knowledge of American social conventions. This course is designed to improve students’ vocabulary, as well as reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.
ESL Level 2
Level 2 will focus on survival English, but more emphasis is placed on personal and daily English use. Students will use English in order to communicate in various relevant, real-world contexts. Students will be able to use basic grammar structures for speaking and writing tasks, and demonstrate knowledge of American social conventions. This course is designed to improve students’ vocabulary, as well as reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.
ESL Level 3
Level 3 focuses primarily on English for personal and daily use. The secondary focus is on English for academic use. Students will use English in order to communicate in various relevant, real-world contexts. Students will be able to use more advanced grammar structures for speaking and writing tasks, demonstrate knowledge of American social conventions, and begin to critically examine and express opinions about each weekly topic.
ESL Level 4
Level 4 focuses primarily on English for personal and daily use. The secondary focus is on English for academic use. Students will be able to use English skills in order to engage in real life and contemporary issues. Through the use of dialogues, presentations, and role playing, students will be able to verbally articulate themselves using correct American English. Students will learn to use more advanced grammar structures for speaking and writing tasks, demonstrate knowledge of American social conventions, and critically examine and express opinions about each weekly topic.
ESL Level 5
Level 5 primarily focuses on academic English. Students will be able to use English in order to discuss their knowledge on debatable issues that will require them to think critically. Students will be able to apply previous knowledge and experiences in order to discuss and write about weekly topics. Moreover, they will identify a range of culturally based American values and perspectives through the texts. By the end of this course, students will be able to write essays about the issues using an introduction, body and conclusion. They will be able to apply new language skills introduced throughout the course into their oral language and essay writing. Students will be expected to apply cognitive academic language skills into their speaking and writing.
ESL Level 6
Level 6 focuses primarily on English for academic use. The secondary focus is on English for business purposes. Students will be able to read and respond to college level academic texts. They will be faced with varied styles of writing which will provide them with the opportunity to learn how to write beginner college level essays. Students will be able to synthesize information from academic texts as well as establish their own point of view on the matters at hand. Students will be expected to argue their opinion during in-class discussions and debates and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the content. They will read, evaluate, synthesize and respond to a number of texts presented throughout the course. Moreover, students will be able to create a resume and cover letter using standard American English. They will be expected to apply business language into their communication skills.
Classroom Hour :
You are able to select class schedule option
1 Semester+1month Vacation
AM1 Monday-Thursday 8AM-1PM
AM2 Monday-Thursday 9AM-2PM
PM Monday-Thursday 1PM-6PM
EV Monday-Friday 6PM-10PM
WE (Weekend) Friday 1PM-6PM
Saturday 9AM-5PM
Sunday 9AM-4PAM